Logo Watch
Logo Watch – Things to look out for when employing a designer to develop a brand or logo.
You really do get what you pay for but some tips to look out for.
1.What files do you get from your designer. A true designer should supply you a AI EPS JPEG and PNG at the least if not a PDF as well.
2. Due to fonts not being available on all systems all artwork should be vector and in line format. Fonts are more fun when manipulated to bring that unique quality again to the brand.
3. All art work should be VECTOR – yes I said it twice but if you don’t get your artwork as line artwork with nodes visible (I don’t mean a JPEG that’s been saved as a TIFF or AI file) then you will not be able to scale your logo, therefore loss in quality will occur.
4. Make sure licensed artwork is not being used, this can cause copyright issues. If it is check with your designer in what capacity its being used and are all licenses correct. To be honest being original is easier.(this is also something to look out for using Fiver etc and low cost logos costing under $100, these *designers* used loosely will take clip art and use it again and again so your unique logo is not what you think)
5. Pantone Pantone Pantone… Get the colours correct, make sure your aware that there are different scales of printing Pantone is industry standard, get CYMK colours and RGB so you keep your logo consistent.
6. Find a designer that understands your vision, not being able to get on with your designer can really kill your brand and logo.
7. Check out the designers portfolio, testimonials has this designer a good reputation.
8. Know what your getting, logos and branding is different, find out how many revisions your getting, are you wanting a mood board, these change prices, but for the best guide start your budget at around $450, this will secure you a great design that will last years not 6 months.
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